This section explains how to create an optimized cutting plan with OPCutting the cutting optimizer. Page 6 : Selection of pieces. OPCutting is a software that generates cutting plans for panels that you can download and try for free for 1 month. Click on the link "Next >" to go to the following page of the user guide.
If you arrived directly on this page from a search engine, click here to go to the first page of the guide for the creation of a cutting plan with the software OPCutting.
10) Capture the sizes of the pieces which you have to cut. Click on the image next to view full size.
Give, if you wish it, in the piece a more significant name in the field Name. Inform the length and the width in the shown unit of measure. Modify the number of pieces if it is superior to 1 and modify possibly the selected direction of grain.
If you have select the option "Complex cutting plan" (to see Choice of cutting plan), also inform the species and the thickness of every piece.
Having Informed the various fields, the New button becomes active and you can then add a new piece.
Begin again the operation for every format of piece which you have to create.
11) Once the selection of all the pieces of your cutting plan was made, validate.