This section explains how to create an optimized cutting plan with OPCutting the cut optimizer. Page 5 : Selection of panels. OPCutting is a software that generates cutting plans for panels that you can download and try for free for 1 month. Click on the link "Next >" to go to the following page of the user guide.
If you arrived directly on this page from a search engine, click here to go to the first page of the guide for the creation of a cutting plan with the software OPCutting.
The terms species and panels are used here as example. OPCutting the cut optimizer can realizing plans of cut of any types of materials of rectangular forms (sheet steels, plastic films, tissue, etc.) to see Working options with OPCutting. Click on the image next to view full size.
8) Enter the sizes of the various panels which you possess in stock or wish to use. If you have select the option "Complex cutting plan" (to see Choice of cutting plan), also inform the species and the thickness of every panel.
By default OPCutting gives the value 1 among panels. Change this value only if already possess certain number of panels which you wish to use. If you leave the value to 1, OPCutting will be able to calculate the number of panels needed to cut all pieces that you enter, by optimizing the layout of the pieces to limit the number of panels.
Having Informed the various fields, the New button becomes active and you can then add a new panel.
Begin again the operation for every format of panel which you have to create.
9) Once the selection of all the panels of your cutting plan was made, validate.