For a more comprehensive understanding of this software, you can watch the demonstrations videos.
These videos are AVI format. Some of the video files are quite large and require a high-speed internet connection. You can launch the videos directly by clicking on the video icon, but you can also download the videos and save them to your hard drive by right-clicking on the icon and selecting the menu "Save Target As…"
These videos show you how to create a cutting plan
and set OPCutting for your business, (which is the cutting of wood panels,
fabric, sheet metal or profile).
Creation of a simple cutting plan.
Realization of a cutting plan, consisting of only one type of wood
(or materials) and on panels having the same thickness (see user
guide OPCutting - Creation
of a cutting plan a detailed description). Video Description: Select the type of cutting plan - Enter the quantities and sizes of panels - Enter the sizes and quantities of
pieces - Enter the margin values and thickness of saw cut -
Visualization of the diagram showing the cutting plan obtained after optimization - Visualization of diagrams showing the parts contained in the cutting list and
visualization of the cutting list. See the comment of video. Taille : 27,432 Ko