When selecting the panels, enter the characteristics (format and species of wood) of the panels that you already have in stock. OPCutting will attempt to insert the pieces that you have selected into these panels. If one of the pieces cannot be cut from any of the panels then the software will refuse the piece. These pages of the user guide will explain to you how to enter panels and pieces in OPCutting.
When selecting the panels OPCutting will propose a default panel. If you do not know the number of panels necessary for your cutting plan then leave the value in that edit zone a 1 or enter the number of panels that you already have in stock. OPCutting will calculate the insertion of the pieces into the designated panels and if necessary will add more panels to accommodate the amount of pieces.
OPCutting is not software meant solely for cutting plans involving wood panels. OPCutting can also be used for the optimal cutting of glass, metal sheets, plastic film, paper, or the placement of palettes in trucks.
If your job is not connected to wood and the terms used are different than those proposed by default by OPCutting, within the options menu you can change the type/name of the panels and pieces to that which you will be using. The software will then use these terms in all of the menus, dialog boxes, drawings, and documents displayed on the screen or printed.
In the Options, you can change the default length and width of panels. This length and width must, without exception, be smaller than or equal to the maximum allowed length and width.
When choosing the type of cutting plan, select the option Complex Cutting Plan, then select Different Margins. The software will allow you to enter a margin for the length and the width.
When choosing the type of cutting plan, select Complex Cutting Plan and then select Different Margins. By default, OPCutting will select one margin for the length and one margin for the width. If you would also like a margin for the thickness then select Thickness. OPCutting will allow you to define an additional margin for the thickness. The value of this margin will be, like the other margins, multiplied by two and added to both sides of the pieces that you will later enter.
In numerous cases, there exists more than one solution for an optimal cutting. Most solutions are more or less good and sometimes there can be multiple optimal solutions. Therefore, OPCutting is not going to identitify the best solution (the most economical) in a systematic way but will always come up with a good optimization for the cutting.
Many optimization problems raised by users turn out to originate from "manipulation" errors, for example: specifying a horizontal grain direction whereas the desired cutting plan doesn't take into account the grain direction (cutting plans for non-wood materials or for plans that do not take into account the siding).
Some inconsistencies between the margins of pieces, their thicknesses, their species, and those of the panels can also originate a refusal to insert certain pieces within certain panels (even if there is available space) which, logically, could hold the them.
If there is a problem with the printer driver. Make sure that you have the latest updates for your printer driver and that it corresponds with your system of use.
If, after the updates, the problem persists, it is possible that your configuration does not allow printing with OPCutting. Here is a list of configurations (system of use/printer) with which OPCutting printing was tested.
OPCutting version 1.0 uses a help system that is no longer supported by default by Windows Vista, contrary to exterior versions of Windows. Therefore, you must either download a version of OPCutting using the new Microsoft system or install the support for the older help system which can be found in the Microsoft download center or download a version managing this help system (OPCutting version 1.0.5).
The user must respect the conditions of distribution of this software, notably that which concerns the key code and unlocking of the software. To skip over this last condition constitutes an infraction of the conditions of use and could therefore incite legal action for counterfeiting. Source: Micro Hebdo N32-Thursday 11/26/98 Master Alain Bensoussan, Paris claims court lawyer and specialist in computer science rights.
People who use hacked versions of this program are not, as they might believe, beyond the long arm of the law. In effect, under the law of 1994, downloading, storing, or using software can only be done with the consent of the author.
Without a license, simply using this software counts as an act of counterfeiting. In light of the penalties, copies available on the network suddenly lose their characteristic of being "free".
One may think that is fine as long as he/she does not get caught. It should be noted however that a download on the Internet allows more traces than we imagine and that officers of the APA roam the Net.
On top of the legal consequence you risk by using an illegal or hacked copy, you also run the risk of infecting your computer with a virus, Trojan horse, or spy ware. This is not a scare tactic-a good number of hacked software can infect your computer.
What is the motivation of hackers who distribute their tampered software on warez sites? Some hack for fun, to be the first hacker to crack a software code and spread this hacked software as if it is a trophy. Others do this to punish the "mean" authors of shareware who think that the hundreds of hours they spent developing useful software merits a little remuneration.
But it is evident that for most hackers, the shareware authors are not the target of their attack, but those who are going to use the shareware!
Also, to imagine that your super up-to-date anti-virus program will protect you against malicious code is a huge error since there are many examples to prove contrary.
In regards to the damages and expenses that certain malicious codes can cause, especially for inexperienced users who do not know how to get rid of a virus or reformat their hard drive, one must really question the "freeness" of these versions.